
Single phase transformer: equivalent circuit

The equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer is a simple electrical circuit that models the behavior of the transformer. The equivalent circuit consists of two parts: the magnetizing branch and the equivalent circuit of the windings.

Magnetizing Branch:

The magnetizing branch is a parallel combination of the magnetizing inductance and the magnetizing current. It represents the magnetic field that is produced in the core of the transformer.

The magnetizing inductance Lm is the inductance of the transformer core and is related to the magnetic flux in the core.

The magnetizing current Im is the current required to produce the magnetic field in the core and is proportional to the applied voltage.

Equivalent Circuit of the Windings:

The equivalent circuit of the windings is a series combination of the resistance and leakage inductance of the primary and secondary windings.

The resistance of the winding is the resistance of the wire used to make the winding and is represented by R1 and R2 for the primary and secondary winding respectively.

The leakage inductance L1 and L2 are the inductances of the primary and secondary winding that are not coupled to each other.

The equivalent circuit of a single-phase transformer is shown below:



Where R1 and R2 are the resistances of the primary and secondary windings, L1 and L2 are the leakage inductances of the primary and secondary windings, Xm is the magnetizing reactance and Xs is the leakage reactance of the secondary winding.

The equivalent circuit of the single-phase transformer is useful in analyzing the performance of the transformer under different load conditions. It is used to determine the voltage regulation, efficiency, and power factor of the transformer.


Phasor Diagram

A phasor diagram is a graphical representation of the voltages and currents in a circuit. In a single-phase transformer, the phasor diagram is used to represent the voltages and currents in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer.

The phasor diagram of a single-phase transformer is shown below:


In the above diagram, V1 and V2 are the voltages across the primary and secondary windings of the transformer, respectively. I1 and I2 are the currents in the primary and secondary windings of the transformer, respectively. L1 and L2 are the leakage inductances of the primary and secondary windings.

The phasor diagram shows that the voltage and current in the primary winding are in phase. The current in the secondary winding lags the voltage due to the inductive reactance of the winding. The voltage across the secondary winding is proportional to the turns ratio of the transformer.

The angle between the voltage and current in each winding represents the power factor of the transformer. The power factor of the transformer is defined as the cosine of the angle between the voltage and current.

The phasor diagram of a single-phase transformer is useful in analyzing the performance of the transformer under different load conditions. It is used to determine the voltage regulation, efficiency, and power factor of the transformer.

Open circuit and short circuit tests of single phase transformer

Open-circuit and short-circuit tests are two tests performed on a single-phase transformer to determine its performance characteristics.

Open-Circuit Test:

The open-circuit test is also called the no-load test. It is performed to determine the magnetizing current and the core losses of the transformer. In this test, the secondary winding is left open and a low-voltage source is applied to the primary winding. The primary voltage is gradually increased until the rated primary voltage is reached. The current drawn by the primary winding is measured, and the power consumed by the transformer is calculated. The open-circuit test is performed at the rated frequency of the transformer.

The equivalent circuit of the single-phase transformer during the open-circuit test is shown below:


Where V1 is the applied voltage, I0 is the magnetizing current, Lm is the magnetizing inductance, Xm is the magnetizing reactance, R1 is the resistance of the primary winding, and L1 is the leakage inductance of the primary winding.

Short-Circuit Test:

The short-circuit test is also called the impedance test or the full-load test. It is performed to determine the winding resistance, leakage reactance, and the equivalent circuit of the transformer. In this test, the secondary winding is short-circuited, and a low voltage is applied to the primary winding. The applied voltage is gradually increased until the rated current of the transformer is reached. The current drawn by the primary winding, the voltage across the winding, and the power consumed by the transformer are measured. The short-circuit test is performed at the rated frequency of the transformer.

The equivalent circuit of the single-phase transformer during the short-circuit test is shown below:

Where V1 is the applied voltage, Isc is the short-circuit current, Lm is the magnetizing inductance, Xm is the magnetizing reactance, R1 is the resistance of the primary winding, and L1 is the leakage inductance of the primary winding.

The open-circuit and short-circuit tests provide the information required to determine the equivalent circuit of the transformer. The equivalent circuit is used to analyze the performance of the transformer under different load conditions. It is used to determine the voltage regulation, efficiency, and power factor of the transformer.


Regulation and efficiency of transformers

The regulation and efficiency of a transformer are two important performance characteristics that determine the efficiency of power transmission and distribution systems.


The regulation of a transformer is defined as the change in the output voltage from no-load to full-load, expressed as a percentage of the rated output voltage. It is a measure of the ability of the transformer to maintain a constant output voltage under varying load conditions. The regulation of a transformer can be expressed as follows:

Regulation = ((Vno-load - Vfull-load) / Vfull-load) x 100%

where Vno-load is the voltage across the secondary winding of the transformer at no-load, and Vfull-load is the voltage across the secondary winding of the transformer at full-load.

The regulation of a transformer can be calculated using the equivalent circuit of the transformer. The equivalent circuit is used to determine the voltage drop due to the winding resistance and leakage reactance. The regulation of a transformer can be improved by increasing the number of turns in the secondary winding or by reducing the leakage reactance of the transformer.


The efficiency of a transformer is defined as the ratio of the output power to the input power. It is a measure of the ability of the transformer to convert electrical power from one voltage level to another with minimum losses. The efficiency of a transformer can be expressed as follows:

Efficiency = (Output Power / Input Power) x 100%

where Output Power is the power delivered to the load, and Input Power is the power supplied to the transformer.

The efficiency of a transformer can be improved by reducing the core losses and winding losses of the transformer. The core losses are due to the hysteresis and eddy current losses in the transformer core, while the winding losses are due to the resistance of the transformer windings. The core losses can be reduced by using a core material with low hysteresis and eddy current losses, while the winding losses can be reduced by using a larger conductor size and reducing the length of the windings.

In summary, the regulation and efficiency of a transformer are important performance characteristics that determine the efficiency of power transmission and distribution systems. The regulation of a transformer is a measure of its ability to maintain a constant output voltage under varying load conditions, while the efficiency of a transformer is a measure of its ability to convert electrical power from one voltage level to another with minimum losses. Both regulation and efficiency can be improved by optimizing the design and materials used in the transformer.

Here is the video for the top 10 Interview questions on Transformers

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