Basic characteristics of the instrument


Accuracy indicates the degree of closeness of the measured quantity to the true value.

Which is more accurate?

a) ± 1%

b) ± 3%

c) ± 5%

d) ± 7%

Option a) is more accurate because ± 1% is close to the true value which means it has a very low error.

We call this a Guaranteed Accuracy Error.

Guaranteed Accuracy Error(G.A.E):

  • Guaranteed Accuracy Error is specified by the manufacturer.
  • Guaranteed Accuracy Error is always concerning the true value.
  • This error is constant since the full-scale value is constant.

Example problem:

A (0-100)V voltmeter with a G.A.E Guaranteed Accuracy Error of ± 1%. If we measure a true value of 20V with this meter then the %L.E  Limitting Error is

100 * ± 1 / 100 = ± 1V

At(True value) = 20V

20 * x / 100 = ± 1V

x = ± 5% 

Therefore %L.E = ± 5% 

Similarly when we have a true value = 25 V

then we get,

25 * x / 100 = ± 1V

x = ± 4% 

Therefore %L.E = ± 4% 

Similarly when we have a true value = 50 V

then we get,

50 * x / 100 = ± 1V

x = ± 2% 

Therefore %L.E = ± 2% 

Similarly when we have a true value = 100 V

then we get,

100 * x / 100 = ± 1V

x = ± 1% 

Therefore %L.E = ± 1% 

From this, we came to know that as the true value increases, the limitting error decreases whereas the G.A.E remains constant.

Note: Limitting error is concerning the true value and G.A.E is concerning the full-scale value.

While taking a reading in an instrument when the pointer moves towards the full-scale value, then the limitting error decreases which in turn increases the accuracy.


  • The most repeatable value or reproducible value out of the set of readings is called precision.
  • We need accuracy as well as precision in an instrument.
  • Precision characteristics should be the supporting characteristics of accuracy.
  • Accurate instrument can be precise but precise instrument cannot be accurate.


The output follows the input with linear relation or linear equation is called linearity.

In general, we have only one meter which is called a theta meter. From this meter, we design everything by simply changing the scale value for the meters.

For any instrument, the input quantity is current which is then converted into force which is again converted into theta which means the angle of deflection the pointer shows.

All electrical instruments are energy converters that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy.

All electrical instruments work on the basic law of conservation of energy which means energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be transferred from one place to another.

Scaling is one that converts mechanical θ  deflection into electrical values.

The instruments have been chosen based on linearity or non-linearity.

Linear and nonlinear graph

Linear means

Linear Scale

Non-linear means

Non-Linear Scale


When the true value is 18A, which ammeter will you choose when all scaling is linear?

a) (0-100)A

b) (0-20)A

c) (0-30)A

It is better to choose b) (0-20)A as we get better accuracy as the true value is close to the full-scale value we may not lose accuracy. Linearity is a supporting characteristic of accuracy.


We prefer to use highly sensitive instruments so that we may not lose accuracy.

Sensitivity is also a supporting characteristics of accuracy.

It is the ratio of change in output to the change in input.

S = change in output / change in input 

   = slope

   = tan θ  

For a perfectly linear graph always θ is 45.

So we get tan 45 as 1.

It means that the sensitivity is 1 for all linear instruments.

Example: PMMC


Find the voltmeter reading across the resistor 50Ω using the voltmeter V1 and V2 with the sensitivity of 10 Ω/ V and 1000Ω /V respectively.

Applying the voltage division rule we get,

Let's find out the loading error and we will make comparison on both the values.

For first case,

% R.S.E = (23.80-25) / 25  * 100 

                = -4.8%

For second case,

% R.S.E = (24.98-25) / 25  * 100 

                = -0.08%

From this problem, we came to know that if the sensitivity increases, the loading error will decrease which in turn increases the accuracy.

Dead time:

The time is taken by the instrument to move the pointer from its initial position which is known as dead time.

When we apply current in the instrument a force will be developed which makes a pointer move and show some deflection and it is all because of the transients in the initial stage and also it moves to steady-state after some oscillations. These oscillations can be reduced by reducing the speed of the pointer.

Dead zone:

For any input, we don't have any output in the initial period but after some time we get an output.

The null response in the initial period is known as the dead zone.

After some of the inputs, at a certain input, we get a response.


The resolution should be high in an instrument so that the clarity will be good enough which in turn the humans will not lose any readings.

To increase the standard we also increase the number of divisions to an acceptable limit.

Resolution = Full scale value / No of divisions

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